Telecoms & Internet

As the world continues to become increasingly digital, businesses are realizing the importance of reliable and efficient communication systems. At talk2TALK, we offer a range of hosted telecoms and business broadband solutions designed to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes.


Our hosted telecoms services are designed to provide businesses with a range of communication options, all managed in the cloud. Whether you need to make phone calls, collaborate with remote teams, or manage voicemail messages, our hosted telecoms services offer a range of tools to ensure efficient and effective communication.

One of the main benefits of our hosted telecoms services is their scalability. As your business grows and evolves, our hosted telecoms solutions can be easily scaled to accommodate your changing needs. Whether you need to add new users or increase your bandwidth, our hosted telecoms services can be easily and quickly modified to meet your needs. 

Secondly, hosted telephone services typically offer advanced features and functionalities that are not available with traditional phone systems, such as call recording, voicemail-to-email, and call routing. These features can improve communication efficiency and productivity.

Lastly, hosted telephone services are generally more reliable and secure than traditional phone systems. They are maintained by experienced IT professionals who ensure that the system is up-to-date and protected against cyber threats. 


CallSwitch is a market-leading hosted telephony platform, delivering the full suite of Unified Communications features, integrations, and fully supported hardware to mobilise your workforce in an affordable, efficient way.

The solution delivers an evolving range of advanced call handling and management features through an intuitive interface. Key features include:

Communicator Soft Client

The Communicator soft client is your window into the CallSwitch platform, enabling your employees to communicate and collaborate however they wish, on any device, and from wherever they’re working.

Communicator is available for desktop (Windows and Mac OS), and mobile (iOS and Android), delivering a host of communication and collaboration features within a single, intuitive pane:

- Softphone
- Video
- Instant messaging
- Group conferencing
- Screen sharing
- Document sharing
- Click-to-dial

CallSwitch FOR TEAMS

For businesses who use Microsoft 365 for productivity and collaboration, CallSwitch for Teams allows your employees to use Teams desktop and mobile applications to make and receive voice calls without clicking out to other consoles, giving the productivity benefit of having a single application to handle all channels of communication.

Best of all, Teams users sit within your CallSwitch solution seamlessly alongside users who prefer to make use of our Communicator applications or desk phones – meaning genuine endpoint flexibility.

Desk Phones

CallSwitch is compatible with handsets and conference devices from all the leading manufacturers, catering for all budgets.

This enables us to help you match desk phone hardware to the requirements and specifications of different groups of users or departments.

Intelligent Integration

Key to any Unified Communications solution is integration with other critical services, improving both productivity and accuracy.

Our platform is plug-and-play ready for integration with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Sugar CRM, Hubspot, Zendesk, Bullhorn, Pipedrive, Suite CRM, Zoho and Vtiger, with new integrations coming on-stream regularly. Less common, web-based, CRMs are also catered for, offering both ‘click-to-dial’ and ‘screen pop’ functionality.

CallSwitch also integrates with Microsoft Teams, offering a cost-effective and resilient solution for voice in a Microsoft world.

Call Recording

CallSwitch Business can be enabled for native cloud-based call recording, offering a 90 day rolling archive of your calls, complete with secure data centre storage.

Should you need to retain copies of call recordings beyond the previous 90 days, the platform enables you to archive recordings to your own Amazon S3, Google Drive, or Dropbox storage solution.

If you’re operating in a regulated industry and need to adhere to strict compliance requirements, such as MiFID II or PCI, we also offer a fully compliant, cloud based call recording and analytics platform – Atmos.

The Atmos platform comes complete with advanced search and retrieval, 256 bit encryption, long-term immutable storage, and payment platform integration, delivering the ultimate telephony compliance suite. 


Wallboards can provide teams with live insight into how they are meeting customer needs and internal quotas, while enabling department heads to identify areas of increased demand that could require additional resource.

CallSwitch wallboards display a host of live call statistics across your deployment, enabling you to monitor activity and respond to any performance issues promptly. Statistics can be displayed on any web-enabled and connected device.

Administration Portal

Our secure, web-based portal enables you to perform a wide range of administrative duties from anywhere.

Add extensions and hunt groups, make configuration changes to call routing, control end-user features, maintain centralised contact directories, and far more can be centrally configured, deployed, and managed instantly.

Network Resilience

Our CallSwitch platform runs from multiple, geographically redundant, UK data centres. Our primary data centre is London Volta, offering industryleading resilience for connectivity, power and cooling, and is a co-location centre of choice in the heart of the City.

We run load balanced controllers and hosts across advanced Linux Based Dell server clusters, providing additional backup, and connect to the PSTN using direct SS7.

IP traffic flows directly over uncontended links, and the platform peers extensively over LINX and LonAP as well as privately, ensuring traffic is handed to other ISPs locally wherever possible.

PSTN & ISDN Switch Off

Over the coming months, businesses will be faced with a hot topic in the world of telephony: the imminent discontinuation of the PSTN (Public Service Telephone Network) in 2025, and the need to transition from ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based telephony services. Despite having been modernized since its inception in 1876, the UK's telephony infrastructure still relies heavily on copper wires and Openreach will cease support for it in just a few years. This shift will impact businesses still using traditional analogue telephone lines or a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) system via an ISDN connection, which is the case for over one million businesses in the UK.


Looking for a new broadband solution for your business? Look no further than talk2TALK! We offer a range of options, including SoGEA, FTTP, and leased line broadband, to meet the unique needs of your business.

At talk2TALK, we understand that every business has unique needs when it comes to broadband. That's why we offer a range of options to choose from, so you can find the perfect solution for your business. Contact us today to learn more about our broadband offerings and how we can help your business stay connected.


SoGEA is a new type of broadband connection that provides a standalone broadband service without the need for a traditional phone line. This means that your business can benefit from a simpler, faster, and more cost-effective connection without having to pay for an additional phone line.


FTTP provides fibre optic cables directly to your business's premises, offering faster and more reliable internet speeds than traditional copper-based connections. This option is ideal for businesses with high bandwidth requirements.

Ethernet Leased Line

Leased lines provide a dedicated, symmetric internet connection exclusively used by a single business. This type of connection provides the highest level of performance, with guaranteed speeds and a guaranteed level of service, making it ideal for businesses with a large number of employees or those that rely heavily on cloud-based applications.

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Streamlining your business operations with reliable telecoms and IT solutions designed for the modern world.

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